Conscious Dance
Conscious Dance is an opportunity to learn from the inside, out. It’s an opportunity to connect to self and to
community. We track with sensation, experiencing the present moment with our feeling body. We empty
ourselves of judgements/preconceptions and show up with a beginners mind, allowing space for something new. Dancers will be encouraged to experiment and play with different somatic inquiries, moving to a variety of music genres. There is no experience needed and there are no specific patterns of movement to follow. The invitation is to cultivate your creative-form of expression and engage your curious spirit!
Saturday Conscious Dance
Peterborough Town Library, Peterborough, NH
This will be a wonderful chance for healing, awakening and reconnecting. We meet life with & through our dancing bodies, remembering our wholeness and the transformative power of embodied movement.
Come join me!
August 24 & 31
September 7
Time: 10am - 11:15am
Where: Peterborough Town Library
2 Concord St, Peterborough, NH 03458
Come a few minutes early to arrive, say your hellos, get settled & warm up.
Parking is limited at the library. Please park across the river in town and enjoy the
short & lovely walk to the library.
Price: $10 per class • No one will be turned away for lack of funds •
Here are links to payment options:
Venmo @Alexandra-Walker-29
Dance Playlists
Put your headphones on and enjoy moving your body...
I love moving through space with alive awareness in my body, allowing myself to express through creative movements. No stories or judgements, just ever changing, free form, flowing energy.